On Mon, 12 Jun 2006 19:26:18 -0400
Alec Warner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Stephen Bennett wrote:
> > * Portage must provide a way for external programs to obtain a list
> > of all repository identifiers for a given system. It is assumed
> > that this will be in the form of a ``portageq`` command (e.g.
> > ``portageq get_repo_ids``).
> > 
> not done, and if we implemented it, would be a hack (although 
> compromisable in this scheme, would be essentially a fake portageq
> command)

Incorrect, I've planned this as part of modular sync code (same

> > * Portage must provide a way for external programs to obtain the
> > base path for a repository with a given ID. It is assumed that this
> > will be in the form of a ``portageq`` command (e.g. ``portageq
> > get_repo_root gentoo-x86``).
> same as above

see above

> > * Portage must extend ``portageq has_version`` to support
> > restrictions to a given repository ID.
> and again

This is the tricky one. Needs vdb adjustments (or some really ugly

> > * Portage must extend ``portageq`` to implement a command which
> > returns whether or not the profile used for a given repository ID
> > is exactly the given profile (e.g. ``portageq profile_used
> > default-linux/sparc/sparc64/2004.3 gentoo-x86``).
> and again

This is almost trivial.

> I have no problem with basically writing up 'fake' portageq calls. 
> However often people tell me overlays are important, they don't serve
> as multipile repos and don't have metadata/news, so they are excluded
> in this specification (intentially?).  Portage doesn't do multiple
> repo's so any repo-related call will be a 'fake' one, that just
> returns the expected data, unless someone has a better method (looks
> at other portage devs).

As stated above the modular sync code I've planned for 2.2 has similar
requirements to this as it includes support for syncing overlays.


PS: Please in the future only quote relevant parts.

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