On Mon, 12 Jun 2006 19:26:18 -0400 Alec Warner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| I have no problem with basically writing up 'fake' portageq calls. 
| However often people tell me overlays are important, they don't serve
| as multipile repos and don't have metadata/news, so they are excluded
| in this specification (intentially?).  Portage doesn't do multiple
| repo's so any repo-related call will be a 'fake' one, that just
| returns the expected data, unless someone has a better method (looks
| at other portage devs).

The reason all that stuff is there is because a certain former Portage
developer refused to let the GLEP through unless it had it... You
should take a look back at the dozens of emails he sent demanding its
addition to see the rationale.

| I would prefer to hear arguments about whether news items should be 
| posted to announce or to a seperate ML.  I would also like to see 
| integration via a "news" link on p.g.o.  I would be willing to assist
| in the latter.

Those kinds of things were beyond the scope of the GLEP, other than
that the GLEP is specifically designed to make implementing them easy.

Ciaran McCreesh
Mail            : ciaran dot mccreesh at blueyonder.co.uk

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