On Fri, 28 Apr 2006, Chris White wrote:

> On Friday 28 April 2006 12:41 pm, A. Khattri wrote:
> > In writing and testing a new ebuild, I ran emerge as root and got ACCESS
> > DENIED errors when it tried writing two config files into /etc.
> >
> > Do I need to do something special for config files in an ebuild?
> Don't copy files to the live filesystem, instead do:
> cp whatever.conf whatever2.conf ${D}/etc/
> or some people like:
> insinto /etc
> doins whatever.conf whatever2.conf

Ah, I see now that the actual make install is trying to do this.

I see there is a configure flag for this:

  --enable-conf-install   enable install of sample .conf files in
                          sysconfdir (default: yes)

Allow me to run this by you:

1. So I need to set --enable-conf-install=no which also implies
   I need to override src_compile

2. And then after the build, override pkg_postinst to copy the sample
   config files into /etc

Does this sound right or is there a better (preferred?) way?

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