As part of an initiative to keep our users up to date the User Relations Project is going to feature a yearly "Status of Gentoo" article in the GWN (hopefully a series of articles if we can gather enough information). This will entail getting all the projects to ensure their respective /proj page is up-to-date and creating a (short) status report.
I ask everyone to please look at the Project Listing[1] and do a few things: 1) Follow the link to the project homepage of any project you are a member of - make sure the project page is up-to-date. Things to look for are: members, description, tasks, sub-projects, leads, resources. Please correct any information that is wrong. If you don't want to fool with the xml then submit your changes as plain text directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I will take care of updating it for you. If you update it yourself or if it is already up-to-date please make sure to email[2] us or ping curtis119 on irc to let us know. 2) If you are a lead of any project please submit a 1-3 paragraph status report (or assign it to a member of your project who shows interest) to User Relations[2]. The status report should include one paragraph (more if you can) about each of the following: what the project has accomplished in the past year, what the project is presently working on and any plans the project may have for the future. You can also include any other facts about the project you wish. The more information you give the better it is for our users. Some projects have recently submitted status reports on this list over the last 2 months, if you are one of those projects please resend the report to us[2]. To make it as simple as possible please submit your report as plain text and we will do the guideXML formatting. I will give everyone a few weeks to do this and then I will start pinging on irc, sending emails and generally being a pain in the rear end. Thanks in advance --curtis119 and the User Relations Project [1] [2] [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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