Stuart Herbert wrote:
> Thanks for the summary.  I think that's a fair assessment of where we are at.
> The offered software will be trac, svn, and moinmoin.  I'm going to
> look at darcs, and with the help of the haskell team and infra
> determine if we can support it or not.  No-one has expressed a
> preference for a different distributed VCS instead of darcs.

bazaar-NG is distributed VCS, but requires only a web server so you
can't really 'prevent' it's use.

> Just one more thing ...
> On 3/24/06, Daniel Ostrow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>On a less technical note there is also the question of using the o.g.o
>>frontpage as a means to point to existing repositiories of user created
>>overlays in order to promote them.
> There are no plans to use the o.g.o frontpage in this manner.  The
> frontpage will only point to overlays owned by Gentoo developers.
> I'm not saying 'never'.  But this isn't something I'm going to roll
> out in the initial deployment.
> Best regards,
> Stu
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