Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò wrote:
> Okay, solar asked me yesterday, and I think this might be the good moment to 
> start this out.
> Right now the x86-fbsd keyword is not being used in the main tree, and the 
> whole Gentoo/FreeBSD is handled in an overlay, sharing the ~x86 keyword with 
> standard Gentoo/Linux.
> Unfortunately this has a series of drawbacks:
> - we need to package.mask packages that could just not have ~x86-fbsd keyword 
> at all (because being linux specifics);
> - we can see the last working version of a package go away because later 
> versions are ~x86 and they don't work for us (old flex might have been an 
> example but that's now fixed; findutils can be another example);
> - we cannot make sure that the deptree is satisfied.
> To bring ~x86-fbsd keywording in main tree, we mainly need to move a true 
> profile in the tree, not a dummy one, mark it as indev and start the 
> keywording. (I've already cleaned up the default-bsd/fbsd profile so that it 
> does work with the current base/ profile.
> As long as virtual/libc is not in the dependencies, it shouldn't trigger any 
> kind of problems to leave the sys-freebsd category in the overlay, if we 
> really need to start needing that, I'll see to make the ebuild quality level.
> It's not going to be a quick thing, as I'm mostly alone with Gentoo/FreeBSD 
> right now (help is always welcome), but times are mature so that I can 
> provide a decent experience to users.
> Can anybody name a showstopper to this?

Yes, x86-fbsd is not a 'working'[1] profile keyword.

[1]The same reason why ppc-macos has some weird and potentially
dangerous profile tricks to keep their systems running.  We are looking
at adding PROFILE_ARCH, or use.force to the profiles to remedy the
situation.  Basically portage expands $ARCH into use ( so x86-fbsd has
ARCH x86, and would get "x86" in use, which IMHO, isn't that horrible ).
 However, you also don't get x86-fbsd shoved into USE, so you have to
inject it elsewhere, and then users could do something stupid like
-x86-fbsd in make.conf, and unset their ARCH flag = bad.

PROFILE_ARCH='x86-fbsd' -> would get forcefully injected into USE, OR
use.force: x86-fbsd -> a use flag that isn't killed by -*.

Whatever the fix is we should be able to make a 2.0.54-r1 release with
it, still need to talk to Zac, if anyone has any comments on this, now
would be the time ;)

-Alec Warner

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