On Thu, 9 Mar 2006 15:29:23 +0100
"Diego 'Flameeyes' Pettenò" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> To bring ~x86-fbsd keywording in main tree, we mainly need to move a
> true profile in the tree, not a dummy one, mark it as indev and start
> the keywording. (I've already cleaned up the default-bsd/fbsd profile
> so that it does work with the current base/ profile.
> As long as virtual/libc is not in the dependencies, it shouldn't
> trigger any kind of problems to leave the sys-freebsd category in the
> overlay, if we really need to start needing that, I'll see to make
> the ebuild quality level.

My main objection here is "If it's worth doing, it's worth doing
properly." I'd rather see the keywords and system ebuilds merged at the
same time, so we don't end up with some half-system that has keywords
in the tree but can't be installed.

> It's not going to be a quick thing, as I'm mostly alone with
> Gentoo/FreeBSD right now (help is always welcome), but times are
> mature so that I can provide a decent experience to users.
> Can anybody name a showstopper to this?

As far as I'm concerned the main reason this has been almost exclusively
in overlay for so long is that we can rework things much more easily
without worrying about breaking backwards compatibility or upgrade
paths. If it's in a state where that's not likely to be an issue any
more then I'd be in favour of merging it, as long it's done right. That
in itself will of course be a non-trivial task, but I can awake from my
BSD-related hibernation to get it done if it's reckoned to be a good
idea and unlikely to break anything. 

On the other hand, I don't want to do this if there are serious
objections from other devs, so any opinions from outside gentoo-alt are
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