3.3.2006, 22:54:25, Grant Goodyear wrote:

>>> http://www.gentoo.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/xml/htdocs/proj/en/devrel/handbook/hb-guide-ebuild.xml?root=gentoo&r1=1.31&r2=1.32
>>> What's the above again? QA policy? How does user benefit from flipping a
>>> coin wrt choosing a functionality? Sigh...  :/
>> It prevents emerge from crashing out in the middle of what could be a
>> quite extensive build.  Personally, I would rather rebuild one package
>> to get desired functionality _after_ the emerge completes than have to
>> fix the flags for that one package to be able to build everything else.

Erm, how exactly will you find out that you need to recompile that package
after such extensive build? You'll spend a couple of hours debugging when
your server app stops working? Yay! :P

Oh please, stop making up artificial policies doing no good to users just to
hack around lacking features in portage.



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