Jakub Moc wrote:
> Erm, how exactly will you find out that you need to recompile that package
> after such extensive build? You'll spend a couple of hours debugging when
> your server app stops working? Yay! :P

I had assumed that in such a case the ebuild would output a
scary-looking ewarn that notified the user of such a problem.

> Oh please, stop making up artificial policies doing no good to users just to
> hack around lacking features in portage.

Was I so impolite that you felt the need to be rude in turn?  If so, I
certainly apologize, as it was not my intention.

I don't believe that I made up this policy, although it's been around as
an unofficial policy for so long that I couldn't really say one way or
the other.  In any event, I certainly agree that fixing portage would be
preferable to policies that work around portage's warts.  On the other
hand, until those warts get fixed it seems useful to have a set of "best
practices" in the meantime.  I'm arguing that sudden, difficult to
predict package build breakages are a bigger sin than having a package
build deterministic functionality that may be unexpected by the user.
You (I think) believe the opposite.  Fair enough.


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