On Sun, 2006-02-26 at 22:54 -0500, Andrew Muraco wrote:
> I second that there is a massive confusion of naming, and this needs to 
> get sorted out (or atleast explained) Because I'm sure the mirrors will 
> start getting slamed with people downloading 2006.0. Lets not waste 
> anyone's bandwidth nor the mirrors by leading people to download the 
> wrong thing.

I do not mean to cop an attitude, but please give me some time here to
figure this out. This is the first time I myself am handling the bouncer
administration for a release, and I would really appreciate some
patience on your part.

I am updating the page as fast as I find an error in it. Thanks.


Jeffrey Forman
Gentoo Infrastructure
Gentoo Release Engineering
Bugs.Gentoo.org Administrator

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