Tuan Van wrote:
> Kalin KOZHUHAROV wrote:
>> yes, I figured out that x86-installcd-2006.0 is the "Gentoo 2006.0
>> Minimal install CD" for x86 or is it... will any n00b figure it out?
> If a n00b can't figure it out, I would suggest him start  from Read The
> Fine  Handbook http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/handbook/index.xml. For
> example http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/handbook/handbook-x86.xml?part=1&chap=2

Good point! The docs are really getting better since I read them from
beginning to end four years ago.

However, the only problem is that some X% (my estimate is 50%) of the
n00bs will never go back and ask or search. Might be wrong of course.

May be a specific link from the download page? Jeffrey?

For more information on the Gentoo CDs, see <a 
 information</a> in Chapter 2 of the <a 
href="http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/handbook/";>Gentoo Handbook</a>.

(mind HanbookS vs. Handbook)

BTW, here:
One can find a bunch of cryptic (for a n00b) links to the archs... I am
sure most n00bs tunning x86 don't know that fact, while most on alpha
should not be n00bs anyway.

Add a cross-ref explaining what is an arch?
In the bottom table, better to s/Links/Architectures/ ?
Shall I file a bug report for that, or somebody will pick it up from

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