Duncan wrote:
2. Be careful with INVALID resolutions

The term invalid _is_ harsh in bugzilla context, so make sure you write a quick thankful-sounding comment to go with it.

I like all the suggestions, but this one hits a particular sore spot, as I
had it happen to me, with I think my second Gentoo bug filing.

I'm glad that you can relate to it - reassures me that I'm not pulling this out of thin air :)

> What made
things worse is that the filing was after my arch team had asked for
volunteers to perform specific tests (multilib-strict), and I had gone to
significant effort to do so, having builds die that would otherwise have
completed successfully.

As it happens, the bug /was/ valid, and was eventually resolved

That's another issue which is worth thinking about. I'm just as bad at this myself - if I can close a bug report without doing any work (i.e. the case for most INVALID bugs) then it's almost like a small personal victory.

We should also try not to jump the gun so much in this kind of situation.

Thanks for the feedback, if bugzilla ever drives you to suicide I will be sure to file a bug report at the official Bugzilla bugzilla so that it can be corrected :)


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