Chris Gianelloni wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-01-06 at 02:36 -0700, Duncan wrote:
>>OTOH, it's entirely possible a Gentoo /based/ enterprise distribution may
>>emerge at some point.  IMO, however, there's enough conflict with what
>>makes Gentoo great at what it does today, that such efforts should be
>>separate from Gentoo itself.
> I don't disagree with you entirely, but there's nothing stopping us from
> *also* producing a "Gentoo Enterprise Linux" distribution.
> Like I said, I'll post my proposal, modified to fit the times, of
> course, as soon as I get a chance (it'll take a while to write back up).

As seen from the discussion earlier this week, I don't think Gentoo has
the proper open-mindness to create a proper enterprise distro. There are
too many things that would get in the way of Gentoo proper to make it
work right. I agree with Duncan that the best route is an outside
project so that they don't have the constraints of Gentoo proper. Trying
to inflict the ideals of an enterprise distro into Gentoo right now will
be an uphill battle the whole way. Just look at all the comments made
from my thread earlier. You cannot make an enterprise distro without
focus or direction and a leader. You'll be stuck in committee decisions
all the time.

Not saying its impossible, but it won't be easy.

Lance Albertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Infrastructure | Operations Manager

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