Ok, last shoot, then let put this stuff to sleep.
Description of the attachment at the end:

Chris Gianelloni wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-01-02 at 11:25 -0600, Lance Albertson wrote: 
>>> I'm also for telling the users to rsync exclude the ChangeLogs if they
>>> don't want them instead of getting rid of them or crippling them.
>> I don't think that's really a solution. That's just a way to minimize
>> what they get. If you really want to look at a solution, you should
>> reduce whats actually in the changelog. All the changelogs are in CVS,
>> and if someone wanted to go look back at any changes, they can either
>> look at viewcvs or (hopefully soon), grab it via anoncvs. I bet you >80%
>> of things in the changelogs are for things that are in the attic. I say
>> we need a way to either have echangelog (or another script) to clean out
>> changelog entries for things that are in the attic (and make sense to
>> take out). Maybe another option would be to remove any 'version bump'
>> type entries that are old as well.
> OK.  I keep seeing this argument about ChangeLog stuff for ebuilds in
> the Attic and I just think people might not be thinking it totally
> trough.  For example, I made changes to the vmware-workstation ebuilds
> to force group membership a while back because of a security bug.
> However, there's been another security bug since, so those changes were
> made on ebuilds now in Attic, but the change is still valid in the
> current ebuilds.

Could ignore the revision (-r*) address this issue ?

> I don't see a problem with removing version bump and stabilization
> messages, but everything else should stay in the ChangeLog for as long
> as the package is still around.
>> I just don't see the point of keeping changelog entries for stuff that
>> isn't even viewable in the tree anymore. We have CVS, the record will be
>> there, lets use it. We can't cater to every user out there, but come up
>> with a solid solution that makes sense and still gives them some form of
>> ability to look back.
> Because as I stated before, there are many times where the ChangeLog
> entry for an older ebuild applies to the newer ones.  This is especially
> true when ebuilds are simply copied for version bumps.  Removing this
> information removes a lot of data.  Forcing users/developers to use CVS
> makes it more of a hassle than the gains will give us.

same as before

> Again, I think this is another case of us doing things that aren't
> necessary rather than educating users.
> I wouldn't have a problem with seeing ChangeLog in a default
> RSYNC_EXCLUDES with a nice comment explaining how to get the ChangeLog
> files.  This way we are removing the problem by default, educating
> users, and still not removing any data or options for our users and
> developers.

IMHO RSYNC_EXCLUDES it's a bad option, in it's extended version, exclude
foo/bar could bring to every sort of problems, difficult to address (but
I've never tryed that ;-).

The attached bash script attempt to purge the ChangeLog (it broke a bit
but could be solved)

It clean out all entries without corresponding files (*.ebuild files/*)
It left in place date of addition of euilds and developer that changed

The test is moved in two new files Changelog.{new,old}

be careful, it leave a ".tmp__revisions" in place

The size of the resulting ChangeLog may be less han 50% than the original.

#! /bin/bash

function exit_no_changelog() {
    echo "No ChangeLog found"
    exit 1

function main() {

    local ChangeLog="ChangeLog"
    local ChangeLogNew="ChangeLog.new"
    local ChangeLogOld="ChangeLog.old"
    local inside=0
    local buffer

    pushd "${CVD}" &> /dev/null

    [[ -f "${ChangeLog}" ]] || exit_no_changelog

        # create a list of each version, remove gentoo specific revisions
    #grep ^\* ChangeLog \
    #    | sed -e 's/^*//;s/ .*//;s/-r[[:digit:]][[:digit:]]*//' \
    #    | sort \
    #    | uniq \
    #    > .tmp__versions

        # create a list of each version
    grep ^\* "${ChangeLog}" \
        | sed -e 's/^*//;s/ .*//' \
        | sort \
        | uniq \
        > .tmp__revisions

    # keep track of each modify and author
    # FIXME this is a sed job
    local entry_pattern='[[:digit:]][[:digit:]]\ 
[[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]][[:alnum:]]\ 20[[:digit:]][[:digit:]]; '
    echo -n "" > .tmp__revisions
    while read line ; do
    case "${line}" in
            echo "${line}" >> .tmp__revisions
            echo -n ${line} >> .tmp__revisions
            if [[ inside -eq 1 ]] ; then
                echo ${line} >> .tmp__revisions
            [[ inside -eq 1 ]] && echo -n ${line} >> .tmp__revisions
    done < "${ChangeLog}"
    sed -i -e 's/:.*$/:/' .tmp__revisions

    # mark revisions to keep
    local sed_prg f
            for e in *.ebuild files/* ; do

    sed -i -e "${sed_prg}" \
        -e 's/^KK*/K/' \
        -e 's/^\([^K]\)/D\1/' \

    # attempt to write the purged ChangeLog
    echo -n "" > "${ChangeLogNew}"
    echo -n "" > "${ChangeLogOld}"
    local cl="${ChangeLogNew}"
    while read line ; do
        case "${line}" in
                echo "${line}" >> "${ChangeLogNew}"
                echo "${line}" >> "${ChangeLogNew}"
                echo "${line}" >> "${ChangeLogOld}"
                if $(grep -q "D${line%%:*}" .tmp__revisions) ; then
                    echo "  ${line%%>*}>:" >> "${ChangeLogNew}"
                echo "  ${line}" >> "${cl}"
                echo "  ${line}" >> "${cl}"
    done < "${ChangeLog}"

    # further cleaning
    sed -i -e 's/[ \t]*$//' "${ChangeLogNew}"
    sed -i -e '$!N; /^  .. ... ....; \(.*\)\n  .. ... ....; \1$/!P; D' 

    popd &> /dev/null



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