On Tue, 2006-01-03 at 00:35 +0300, Peter Volkov (pva) wrote:
> On Вск, 2006-01-01 at 21:35 +0100, Francesco Riosa wrote:
> > We have currently 10371 ChangeLog files, > 25 MB totally .
> > 1365 == 13% with size >= 4096 B, 12 MB totally
> > 
> > rsync from "emerge --sync" has "--whole-file" between its options, that
> > mean transfer the whole file if changed.
> > 2) "rotate" Changelogs, keeping only the last changes, until a size
> >    of 4000 or [choose a preferred size here] bytes.
> >    This would save only about 7Mb of data (max size < 4096).
> ChangeLog is the only source of information on upgrade reasons and IMO
> users are interested only in recent information there. Another
> suggestion is to combine rotate like and exclude list solutions.
> When ChangeLog size reaches above maximum allowed size echangelog should
> create ChangeLog.old file and copy tail of ChangeLog there, in order to
> keep ChangeLog size. Then using excludes list one may drop really old
> entries in ChangeLog.old, whereas keeping recent information in portage
> tree.

I could see this working well without removing the information from CVS
or the tree.  We would then add RSYNC_EXCLUDE on ChangeLog.old instead
of ChangeLog.  I wouldn't have a problem with this, and it would still
be benificial.  The only question left to be answered is how much space
would actually be saved to make this extra load on CVS worth it.

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering - Strategic Lead
x86 Architecture Team
Games - Developer
Gentoo Linux

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