On Thu, Dec 15, 2005 at 08:20:36PM +0000, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> Possible proposal: the current council meeting rules be updated with
> one of the following two clauses:
> > A proxy must not be an existing council member, and any single person
> > may not be a proxy for more than one person at any given meeting.
> (The difference being, the former allows a council member to appoint
> another council member as their proxy, so long as said member forfeits
> their own role.)

I think the latter makes more sense - only allowing non-council
members to represent absent council members. That is how it works in
the boards I have been involved with.

> * It will lead to increased discussion, which in turn means the council
> is more likely to notice any problems with items on the agenda.
> * It will avoid having council meetings made up of two or three council
> members, all acting as proxies for other members.

More eyes on the matter is a good thing. If we allow council members
to proxy for other council members we might end up with quite a few
eyes on the discussion...

> * This fits in better with the way I was intending proxies to work when
> I wrote the slacker boot proposal, rather than the way they've ended up
> working due to insufficient pedantry in the original description :)

Sounds good to me.

> Arguable disadvantage:
> * It makes it harder for council members to all go "oops, can't make
> it, so vapier is my proxy" at the last minute.

Yeah, well - I think we can live with that. How many times has the
proxy function been used so far?

> On the same subject, I'd also like to see the "meeting participants"
> table updated to explicitly list proxies, for example in the form
> "jaervosz (for koon)".

Yes, that would be natural.

Henrik Brix Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Metadistribution | Mobile computing herd

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