Possible proposal: the current council meeting rules be updated with
one of the following two clauses:

> Each person at a council meeting may represent only one voting role.


> A proxy must not be an existing council member, and any single person
> may not be a proxy for more than one person at any given meeting.

(The difference being, the former allows a council member to appoint
another council member as their proxy, so long as said member forfeits
their own role.)


* It would allow voters to see how people are likely to behave if they
are voted in in future elections. (Assumption: many people who are
appointed as proxies will stand in future elections.)

* It will lead to increased discussion, which in turn means the council
is more likely to notice any problems with items on the agenda.

* It will avoid having council meetings made up of two or three council
members, all acting as proxies for other members.

* This fits in better with the way I was intending proxies to work when
I wrote the slacker boot proposal, rather than the way they've ended up
working due to insufficient pedantry in the original description :)

Arguable disadvantage:

* It makes it harder for council members to all go "oops, can't make
it, so vapier is my proxy" at the last minute.

On the same subject, I'd also like to see the "meeting participants"
table updated to explicitly list proxies, for example in the form
"jaervosz (for koon)".


Ciaran McCreesh : Gentoo Developer (I can kill you with my brain)
Mail            : ciaranm at gentoo.org
Web             : http://dev.gentoo.org/~ciaranm

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