On Monday 12 December 2005 00:47, Spider (D.m.D. Lj.) wrote:
> Yeah, I certainly -HOPE- that it will retain its blocker vs. glibc, or
> things may slip downhill on a certain rollercoasterride of party and
> fun.   Not to mention that they claim the same files ;)
AS long as nobody does stupid things like touching my ebuild without telling 
me, it should be safe, I'm quite territorial, so I monitor my own packages..

> Aye, I just raised the point that such packages -do- exist and will(I'm
> still not an optimist) be an issue in the future (tm) for you : )
Some packages depends on || condition on libiconv already, I haven't seen a 
single bug about it since I maintain it.
Maybe I'm lucky, maybe the current situation is better handled.

Diego "Flameeyes" Pettenò - http://dev.gentoo.org/~flameeyes/
Gentoo/ALT lead, Gentoo/FreeBSD, Video, AMD64, Sound, PAM, KDE

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