Albert Hopkins wrote:
On Fri, 2005-11-25 at 10:51 -0600, Andrew Gaffney wrote:
Or you can just unmask it locally and stop whining.

I think users have a valid reason to be concerned about this, but if
that is the developer's intention (to unmask it locally) then may I
suggest this information be provided somehow to the user?  Before now
the only information I got was it was masked because it doesn't work...
even though it has been working, at least for some users, for quite some
time.  I'm not trying to whine, just to get the what and whys.

It's really not the best idea to be using ~arch on a box with important data. And if you are going to be running ~arch, you should really know what it means to do so and how to use it properly. I recommend reading <>. Of course, having done a gentoo install already, you should have already read through the entire handbook and thoroughly understood its contents :P

Andrew Gaffney                  
Gentoo Linux Developer                                   Installer Project
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