On Fri, 2005-11-25 at 11:26 -0600, Andrew Gaffney wrote:
> It's really not the best idea to be using ~arch on a box with
> important data. 
> And if you are going to be running ~arch, you should really know what
> it means 
> to do so and how to use it properly. I recommend reading 
> <http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/handbook/handbook-amd64.xml?part=3&chap=3>. Of 
> course, having done a gentoo install already, you should have already
> read 
> through the entire handbook and thoroughly understood its contents :P
Ah, but that document does little to answer my specific question which,
due to the fact that some people can actually be constructive, has not
only been answered, but it seems the original issue has been resolved.
To those people I am thankful.

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