Simon Stelling wrote:

> I've never said (that I think that) the majority supports GLEP 41. In
> fact, i think the vast majority bluntly doesn't care about it at all, as
> they aren't affected by it anyway. However, of those who gave feedback
> on the first draft, a majority said "we need a subdomain". Those who
> thought that a subdomain would be a bad idea didn't step up at that
> moment (including me), at least if I recall right.

You can't expect me to follow every single email/thread that comes up on
-dev. I tried my best to follow this thread, and decided I would wait on
the revised glep to see what was finally decided on to try. Since I
never saw the revised glep until the day before the council vote, it
made it very hard for me to voice my opinion on the subdomain idea.

Lance Albertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Infrastructure | Operations Manager

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