Kurt Lieber wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 18, 2005 at 05:44:53PM -0500 or thereabouts, Curtis Napier wrote:
>>Maybe a new GLEP is in order? It makes sense to do it now since infra is 
>>going to be setting up alias' anyway. While we're at it possibly an 
>>@dev.g.o as well (as someone mentioned)? That way there is no confusion. 
>>If anyone wants to pursue this we should start a new thread to keep the 
>>issues seperate.
> What purpose does this serve?  This would create all sorts of confusion.
> Right now, you can meet someone in IRC and make a reasonable assumption
> that their email address is <irc nick>@gentoo.org.  This would confuse
> things horribly imo.  What about people like me that span multiple roles?
> What happens when someone (again, like me) starts out in one area, moves to
> another, then still a third and finally a fourth?  We're going to be
> updating aliases all over the place and for what?

I'm totally in agreement here with Kurt. Why in the world do we need to
add confusion to our users? This is precisely why I suggested we waited
to vote on this since they posted the revised GLEP the DAY BEFORE the
vote. Some of us folks have real jobs during the day and don't have the
time to get caught up on all the Gentoo happenings.

Anyways, I don't see any problem with us giving them straight up
[EMAIL PROTECTED] aliases. They won't have shell access, nor cvs so we
don't have to worry about that. This makes it very simple for us infra
folks to manage. I can only imagine the hell we'll create when someone
moves from staff.g.o to tester.g.o to g.o. I will not support any GLEP
that proposes any nonsense like that since its totally not needed. Yes,
I could have spoken up about this sooner, but I can't keep track of
every thread on -dev.

I'm very disappointed that the council did not wait on the vote for this
considering the sudden submission of the revision of the GLEP. I'm
curious the reasoning for going ahead with this?

> There is no technical reason why any of this is necessary and it doesn't
> provide any tangible benefits that I can see.  If a user really wants to
> know someone's role within the project, they can go look it up on the web
> site.


Please provide details why we can't just give them straight up aliases.

Lance Albertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Infrastructure | Operations Manager

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