Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
On Fri, 18 Nov 2005 17:44:53 -0500 Curtis Napier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| Maybe a new GLEP is in order? It makes sense to do it now since infra
| is going to be setting up alias' anyway. While we're at it possibly
| an @dev.g.o as well (as someone mentioned)? That way there is no
| confusion. If anyone wants to pursue this we should start a new
| thread to keep the issues seperate.
If someone's going to do that, could they consider @herd.g.o as well?
Being relatively new to the team, I speak with a bit of naivet'e about
the whole thing, but doesn't that seem to make the most sense? for devs for herd ATs for forum admins, PR people, etc
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