On Fri, 2005-11-04 at 10:02 +0100, Paul de Vrieze wrote:
> No, gentoo expects people to have access to a webbrowser. But not all the 
> time. It is perfectly reasonable to expect people to make a nice printout 
> of the handbook at the office, and then take it at home to install a nice 
> new gentoo box.

We *do* provide the Handbook in PDF on our releases. ;]

> > The news directory shouldn't the main source of the migration guides;
> > the website should be (one central page that can feed other sources).
> The website should not as it a pull source of information. It requires 
> users to actively acquire the information. What is worse is that some 
> users might not update for a prolongued time (6 months). At that time 
> they will not find the information in the erata list anymore. But they 
> will get the RELEVANT news delivered by emerge/enews.

Right.  This is the entire point that Stuart was making from the
beginning.  The *only* thing that we can guarantee users will look at
when doing updates is portage itself.  Anything else is ancillary to the

Chris Gianelloni
Release Engineering - Strategic Lead
x86 Architecture Team
Games - Developer
Gentoo Linux

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