Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
On Fri, 04 Nov 2005 15:26:28 +0100 Xavier Neys <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| > Oh? Our GuideXML to HTML conversion is thousands of lines of code...
| | Plain wrong, but you have always made it clear that you are not only
| biased against XML for anything, but also very much XML challenged.

Run a wc -l on guide.xsl sometime. Either wc is lying or that alone is
thousands of lines of code.

You know how to count. Well done.
You still haven't got a fscking clue what you're counting, though.
BTW, 1525 is not thousands.

Remove all the html that surrounds the content, i.e. the top bar with logo and menu, the left col with the menu and old news items, the right col with the ads and you're left with less than a thousand lines. Then remove the blank lines, comments and a bit of what I believe is dead wood but I know has nothing to do with GuideXML, and what's left already does a lot more than GuideXML to HTML transformation.

| Don't worry, some are even worse than you are, worse enough to claim
| that XML is hard to parse because "XML files from a programming
| perspective require extra logic to parse. Compare the following key
| value pair and xml tag pseudo parsing logic for configuration:
| <tag1>entry</tag1>
| Hit a >, tag1 as realized tag name, read until <, read ahead one to
| ensure a closing slash, read until > to get the tag name, compare tag
| name with previous tag name to see what tag it's closing. store value
| attached to tag1."

That is not parsing XML. That is parsing some arbitrary markup language
you just invented. Please read the XML specification, note how complex
some of the little used side features are, and then remember that a
compliant XML parser has to implement **all** of them.

I did not invent that, I was quoting another dev. FYI, the quote is the bit between the " characters.

/  Xavier Neys
\_ Gentoo Documentation Project
/  French & Internationalisation Lead
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