Nathan L. Adams wrote:

> *ALL* of the official docs are GuideXML; Gentoo *expects* users to have
> a web browser by default. Otherwise a vast majority of users would never
> get Gentoo installed in the first place. The "lightweight" requirement
> appears to just be your way of subverting the current documentation
> standards (because of your XML hatred).

Since when did GuideXML become the standard for all our websites?
Currently, the only website that uses it is www. Nothing else uses it.
If any solution to the errata site idea is going to come out, it doesn't
need to be guidexml, it can be anything.

After reading through the heated thread, I have yet to see your valid
point of pushing xml for such a simple task. All I have seen is two 3rd
grade kids arguing over a swing set. Please give some calm reasons for
your opinion instead of voicing things in such a heated manner. Making
assumptions about someone else's opinions gets you no where.

Please keep your discussion to this thread a discussion and not an
argument between you and ciaranm. Please take those off this list.


Lance Albertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Infrastructure | Operations Manager

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