Hi all,
I am just wondering about people's option about making a new category,
called something like dev-xmingw or similar.
At the moment we have in portage:
dev-util/xmingw-binutils dev-util/xmingw-runtime
dev-util/xmingw-gcc dev-util/xmingw-w32api
Which gives a usable W32 toolchain on gentoo using just standard W32
But every so often people submit ebuild for other libraries for use with
this toolchain
( eg. http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=101468 )
I have not added them up to now as it would, in my opinion, just clutter
The other option is to make an external non-official tree that people
could use as an overlay.
gentoo-dev@gentoo.org mailing list