On Thursday 13 October 2005 08:16 pm, Stefan Jones wrote:
> Mike Frysinger wrote:
> >On Thursday 13 October 2005 12:25 pm, Stefan Jones wrote:
> >>dev-util/xmingw-binutils  dev-util/xmingw-runtime
> >>dev-util/xmingw-gcc       dev-util/xmingw-w32api
> >
> >i'd prefer to see these moved into the normal binutils/gcc ebuilds myself
> I do not think that would ever work well; the bootstrap method is a bit
> to out of sync with the GNU/Linux target

glanced in the ebuilds and they dont look too bad to me ... this is how we do 
avr after all ... we punted the avr gcc/binutils ebuilds and now people have 
to `emerge crossdev && crossdev avr`

> Plus it would mean I would step on the gcc maintainers toes alot.

err, you mean me ? :)
i dont think the other toolchain guys would care too much

> [ xmingw cross compiled libraries]
> >are these libraries special ?  that is, are these things specific to
> > xmingw ? or are they just ebuilds which take normal packages and force
> > them to be compiled with the xmingw toolchain ?
> About half (guess) are xmingw spercific; will not compile in GNU/Linux.

these are OK then imho

> Others are normal libraries which work on Linux but need special tricks
> to get working with the crosscompiler.

these are not valid then as sep packages

> >if they are xmingw-specific, then they should be added to the tree as sep
> >packages, but if they are normal packages and these ebuilds are special
> > hacks to cross compile them with xmingw, then they have no business in
> > the tree
> But what is the difference in effect? Both are libraries for the xmingw
> toolchain, but a line would need to be drawn otherwise I might as well
> port the entire cygwin distribution!

i thought the line i drew was pretty clear ;)
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