On Fri, Aug 05, 2005 at 12:46:13PM +0900, Georgi Georgiev wrote:
> What does "set enc?" say?
:set enc?

> Anyway, setting enc=utf-8 when your terminal is using something else
> makes the output look like shit. Furthermore, you wouldn't be able to
> input any non-ascii characters anyway (or maybe you will, depending on
> your locale, but they would appear as garbage on the screen). If you're
> not going to go anywhere near non-ascii text it might be OK.
I don't plan to edit any non-ascii text in my $EDITOR of choice. The
only place I ever write non-ASCII stuff is a word processor.

> I guess you're better off using gvim if "locale -k charmap" doesn't say
> UTF-8 in your term.
I'm using aterm, and I refuse to use a graphical vim.

$ locale -k charmap

Robin Hugh Johnson
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