On Fri, Aug 05, 2005 at 01:13:31AM +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> I've just gone through and fixed all of the broken utf-8 in metadata.xml
> files. I think... There was rather a lot of it due to various editor
> bugs which I'm hoping are no longer an issue. Requests:
> - Could anyone who can read whatever language 'vi' is please check a few
> of the category metadata.xml files?
vim-6.3.084 still breaks them, unless you set encoding=utf-8 in your vim
settings. It's the same bug I spoke to you about earlier today.

Open the metadata.xml (see no '[converted]' text).
Save metadata.xml (see the '[converted]' text).
File is now broken.

As a vim workaround, maybe force encoding=utf-8 in the gentoo filetype

Robin Hugh Johnson
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