Mike Doty wrote:
> All-
>   Please take a moment to welcome amne on board.  He helped draft GLEP
> 38, which makes global forums mods gentoo staff members.  I'll let him
> intoduce himself.
> "Hi,
> It's kind of funny to write an introduction if you have been around
> for a while. I started to use Gentoo in November 2002. Approximately a
> year later i became moderator on the german forum and was promoted to
> global moderator a bit later. Being on the forums i got in contact
> with some of the the Gentoo devs, especially the German
> conspiracy and people in close contact with the forums. Hi guys, you
> already know me.
> Recently the idea for GLEP 38 was born to make the forums and the
> moderators an official part of Gentoo. It's a good thing (tm) imho so
> that those folks who don't know me yet can finally notice me as well -
> Hi there, i'm your friendly neighbourhood forums monkey.
> Here's some more facts about me:
> I'm currently 27 years old and live in Graz, Austria (roger55 also
> lives here). I'm not married, but i'm in a relationship that's
> probably longer than some marriages. My interests are - oh surprise -
> Gentoo and all that Computer stuff in general and drum & bass (that's
> music and if you don't know it you probably also won't like it).
> You can find a picture and some more text of me in this GWN isssue:
> http://www.gentoo.org/news/en/gwn/20050103-newsletter.xml#doc_chap2";

Welcome aboard amne! :-)
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