
Please take a moment to welcome amne on board. He helped draft GLEP 38, which makes global forums mods gentoo staff members. I'll let him intoduce himself.

It's kind of funny to write an introduction if you have been around
for a while. I started to use Gentoo in November 2002. Approximately a
year later i became moderator on the german forum and was promoted to
global moderator a bit later. Being on the forums i got in contact
with some of the the Gentoo devs, especially the German
conspiracy and people in close contact with the forums. Hi guys, you
already know me.
Recently the idea for GLEP 38 was born to make the forums and the
moderators an official part of Gentoo. It's a good thing (tm) imho so
that those folks who don't know me yet can finally notice me as well -
Hi there, i'm your friendly neighbourhood forums monkey.

Here's some more facts about me:
I'm currently 27 years old and live in Graz, Austria (roger55 also
lives here). I'm not married, but i'm in a relationship that's
probably longer than some marriages. My interests are - oh surprise -
Gentoo and all that Computer stuff in general and drum & bass (that's
music and if you don't know it you probably also won't like it).
You can find a picture and some more text of me in this GWN isssue:";

Mike Doty                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gentoo/AMD64 Strategic Lead         PGP Key: 0xA797C7A7
Gentoo Developer Relations
                 ===GPG Fingerprint===
   0094 7F06 913E 78D6 F1BB  06BA D0AD D125 A797 C7A7
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