Nathan L. Adams wrote:
Gregorio Guidi wrote:
Any proposal that implies an enourmous increase of our human resources is really useless for us. Please accept the fact that we cannot change our resources at will, and adapt any suggestion to this simple principle.

Now *that* is a reasonable argument.

But come on guys, I'm suggesting *one* look at a bug by an independent
party before marking it done.

That's reasonable, but I don't see that party being a Team Lead or even a dev. If there's a bug filed and another user can confirm it, it's Verified. That's the whole idea behind the status.

I don't really see much to gain by adding another step in the bug reporting process. Some projects use it, some don't. I don't think b.g.o is formal enough re. bugzilla to warrant it.

I do agree with the original point. Reports shouldn't be marked resolved unless the bug is fixed or permanent, or not enough info is given to verify that a bug actually exists.


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