Mike Frysinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Friday 01 July 2005 12:25 pm, Brian D. Harring wrote:
> > Currently, we pretty much leave out the big dogs of build depends from
> > ebuilds- basically we rely on the profile to require a suitable
> > toolchain.  Couple of issues with this though-
> so what you're proposing is that we add binutils/gcc/glibc to every package 
> that compiles something

Can you compile without binutils/gcc/glibc? No? Then you need it.

> make to every package that uses make, 

Again, if you depend on make, then DEPEND on make.

> sed/grep/bash/coreutils to every package which runs configure

That's quite an interesting case. Yes, those should be in DEPEND, but it
might be prudent to create an appropriate shortcut instead of explicitly
adding each of those.

Three possibilities come to mind.

0) For ebuilds which use the standard GNU autoconf-generated configure
   script, a standard set of tools could be added to DEPEND from a
   standard variable.
      DEPEND="${ac-configure} dev-libs/libwombat app-misc/imanotherdep"
   where ${ac-configure} expands to everything that runs in yer typical
   configure script.

1) Use the eclasses. Right before inheriting eutils, provide a token to
   tell eutils to add some appropriate DEPEND tokens.
      inherit eutils

   Many of the eclasses add a few DEPEND tokens. Use the standard
   eclass(es) to add the standard DEPENDs.

2) Well, maybe cramming this into eutils isn't such a hot idea, but
   creating an eclass for the purpose of adding the generic dependencies
   would work better.

      edeps="configure make c-tools"
      inherit edeps

> tar/gzip/bzip2 to every package which has a gzipped/bzipped tarball in 

Now this could _definitely_ play into suggestion (2) above. Have the
edeps eclass check the SRC_URI and add the appropriate unpacking

   inherit edeps


<rant class="flame">
I know this will be shot down, as it has been shot down each time in the
past that somebody has suggested it. I wish it were not the case. Almost
every ebuild in the tree fails to completely and accurately reflect its
dependencies. The fact that this is somehow a technical decision leads
me to suspect that more of Portage is also horribly broken.

Batou: Hey, Major... You ever hear of "human rights"?
Kusanagi: I understand the concept, but I've never seen it in action.
  --Ghost in the Shell

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