On Tuesday 28 June 2005 13:29, Anders Hellgren wrote:
> > Most of them already took it
> ...or are pre quiz staff.
Ok I was intending both of the cases but that's more clear.

> Again, noone's ever intended that anyone should become official Gentoo
> staff without taking the staff quiz.

> Now, some people seem to have a 
> problem with someone being global moderator or admin without being
> official staff.
No that's not the issue. The issue is that if you want that global moderators 
have the right to vote (that was the main request done iirc), then they must 
be official staff, and to be that, they need to take the quiz.
Having some global mods staff (just because they are mods, not because they 
are staff for other means) and some not, will confuse the userbase.
As we said, most of the global mods are already staff so already have the 
right to vote, so if you don't want to change this, there's nothing to 
discuss about: if an individual wants the right to vote, it just needs to be 
staff for other reasons.

If you want that "Global Moderator == Offical Staff", you need that all of 
them take the quiz and become official staff.

> I don't, and I have no intention on booting anyone, should 
> there be anyone, who don't want to go through the process to become
> official Gentoo staff.
As I said above, if you want project global mods to be considered staff for 
the own sake of being global mods, it's an all or nothing for me.

> FWIW, there are non-staff bug wranglers, aren't there? To me, that's
> essentially the same thing as non-staff moderators.
For local moderator, yes. As for ATs.
But it's clear to user that bug-wranglers or ATs aren't Official Staff:
"  A note about arch testers "status": Gentoo/AMD64 Arch Testers are not 
official Gentoo developers. They are, however, a recognized part of the 
Gentoo/AMD64 arch team. I ask that all AT's keep this in mind when selecting 
email signatures or other forms of communication. " [1]

[1] http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/base/amd64/tests/index.xml?part=1&chap=1
Diego "Flameeyes" Pettenò
Gentoo Developer - http://dev.gentoo.org/~flameeyes/
(Gentoo/FreeBSD, Video, Gentoo/AMD64, Sound, PAM)

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