On 6/28/05, Ioannis Aslanidis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Sorry for that, just tried to keep the discussion alive. I assume all

It's alive enough without your constant/irrelevant bitching. You're a
forum moderator which = staff, not developer. If you think that you're
making an argument that actually makes any sense whatsoever, I invite
you to click "expand all" in this thread and read some of your
valuable "contributions." IMHO having anyone besides the "gentoo is
for ricers" crowd able to view some of the things said in the forums
at all is a PR nightmare. I'd rather NOT have my clients know that
every 13 year old pimply faced boy on earth that is learning linux is
using my distribution. If you prefer the forums, more power to you, I
think it'd be a more efficient use of bandwidth and space to replace
your beloved forums with a wiki (and it'd probably be easier for
people to navigate as well.)

The issue isn't that some people do or do not like forums in general,
the gentoo forums, or having forum moderators/admins. My current issue
is that you, by playing devil's advocate, Ioannis, are doing nothing
other than trolling. In the past, behaviors such as yours... have been
described by Daniel Robbins as being a "freak" (see his articles on
making your own distro on ibm.com).

News flash: your repeated arguments and questionable signature* make
me wonder exactly how important you really think you are.

* see my comments below:
> --
> Ioannis Aslanidis
> <deathwing00[at]gentoo.org> 0xB9B11F4E
> <deathwing00[at]forums.gentoo.org> 0xC2539DA3
> <aioannis[at]tinet.org> 0xF202D067
> <dwcommander[at]users.sourceforge.net>
that's nice that you have multiple gpg keys and email addresses... do
we really need a list of all of them? no? didn't think so.

> Hellenic Gentoo GNU/Linux project manager (http://hellenicgentoo.sf.net)
very noble project -- no comments there

> FIRECOPS++ project manager (http://firecops.sf.net)
hrm... windows? yup, that's relevant to gentoo...

> Digger Realoaded (http://digger-reloaded.sf.net)
holy crap... you spelled it right in the project name, but not in your
signature? nice blank page, anyway...

> Gentoo Forums Global Moderator (http://forums.gentoo.org)
Holy shit! You're a global forum mod? that means you have to take the
quiz, right? hrm... so why don't you take the time you've spent
emailing the list... and take the damned quiz and stop whining
already? unless you already did, which... if you HAVE... then you
should just shut up and let OTHER people that really DO have a problem
(that are forum mods/admins) speak up... because you're the only
jackass making noise on this issue.

Thanks everyone for putting up with my rant... Ioannis, don't reply to
me personally or on-list, i don't care what you have to say, you've
done a very good job of showing me exactly *WHY* I avoid the forums at
all costs.

(and if anyone comments that I sound like mike frysinger in this
post... they can stuff it.)

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