Haas Wernfried wrote:

Theoretically the trustees can decide to do whatever they want with
the forums. They probably won't, but if anyone else who may be
affected by their decisions is allowed to vote, why shouldn't we?
The metastructure poll is affecting the forums in terms of us not even
knowing where we fit into the metastructure even though f.g.o is in
the offial domain gentoo.org.
Becoming developer^wstaff should give us the right to vote. Since
every other developer, infra staff, docs-writer or other person
contributing time to gentoo as part of an official project, this
should would be fair enough imho.

Ok, I'll buy that. This part wasn't clear to me:

"Recent events such as the election of trustees or the new metastructure
poll are effectively affecting the forums"

What you explained above is a lot clearer now, thanks.

Rob Cakebread
Gentoo Linux Developer
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