On Mon, 2005-06-06 at 21:51 -0700, Greg KH wrote:

> One thing that people might want to remember, if Gentoo ever changes
> into a "real, we take your money for support" type of distro, a lot of
> the employers of the us developers might reconsider allowing them to
> participate.  Which would pretty much suck...
Oh, I'd never want to see Gentoo become like that! But that doesn't mean
we can attempt to make a sub-project to make things at least better for
the enterprise folks. Whether that be creating tools to help management
multiple Gentoo machines, or dealing with a more 'stable' branch. I'm
not saying we'll ever achieve a level of where RHEL is, but we can at
least make it more manageable for folks. I know that won't help
companies that require a service agreement since we as Gentoo will never
be able to do that.

I get the sense that when people hear 'enterprise' they think we want to
take Gentoo to becoming a corporate monster like RH. I pray and hope
that never happens. All I'd like to see is a sub-project devoted to
Gentoo in the enterprise. It'd sit in a similar role as Hardened Gentoo
does providing tools, etc for folks in the enterprise. 

Let the people who want to use Gentoo as a 'hobbist' distro use it like
that, and let the people that want to use it in the enterprise use it as

Btw, I'm hoping to get this said sub-project going once I get settled in
with my move and new job. At least get some organization sorted with it.

Lance Albertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Infrastructure | Operations Manager

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