I'm with Ned & fozer on this, in general at least. This is the second time this 
issue has come up over the last month or so; it's what kicks off the flat-tree 
debate.  My preference in practice is to leave the current tree allocation of 
packages to categories well alone (to avoid unnecessary disruption), 
de-emphasize the tree categories as useful data (I find them more of a 
hindrance than a help) and focus on query tools and metadata.xml.

It'd be nice to ditch categories completely of course, but obviously that's not 
practical :)

A suggestion, if I may. One simple way to manage a set of packages spread 
across the tree is to create set of softlinks to them in a directory outside 
the tree.  So you could create a directory "pam" somewhere handy, and softlink 
from the relevant packages in your CVS tree or sync tree to it.


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