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Nathan L. Adams wrote:
> Well obviously there needs to be a consensus on *how* to logically
> organize things before anyone goes willy nilly changing stuff. Do you
> group by what the package is used for (email vs. game vs. web browser)
> or by what it is built from (PERL stuff, Gnome apps, KDE apps). It
> appears that currently its a mix. Is that documented anywhere?
> I personally think the organization should be from an end-user
> perspective as much as possible. Imagine for a moment that you are a
> Genewbie (new Gentoo user). You have a new minimal installation and you
> want to add some applications. How do you know what your choices are for
> an email client, for instance? You could find most things here:
> http://packages.gentoo.org/packages/?category=mail-client
> But that wouldn't let you know about kmail, a fairly important option.
> If you were to do a search, you wouldn't get much either:
> # emerge -s email
> Searching...
> [ Results for search key : email ]
> [ Applications found : 5 ]
> *  dev-perl/Email-Find
> *  dev-perl/Email-Valid
> *  net-mail/archivemail
> *  net-mail/email
> *  net-mail/sendEmail
> So while the metadata.xml files do exist, I don't see how they are
> _currently_ very useful to the end-users. Again, I think better
> organization and improved tools are both worth while.
> Nathan

Oooops. I just realized that I did a --search instead of a --searchdesc.
But I doubt most users even realize that --searchdesc even exists, so my
argument there still applies. ;)

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