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Jeffrey Forman wrote:
> Hey All,
> The upgrade for bugs.gentoo.org went exactly as I had planned for.
> Completed in under 20 minutes, which included this email. I've upgraded
> our Bugzilla from the old 2.18rc2 to 2.18.1. This fixes more security
> and code than I can even begin to mention. I have cleaned out a lot of
> the code and added in some nice features.
> Those nice features I'd like to higlight:
> (1) In the bug list, enhancements are colored green, while critical and
> blocker bugs are still colored red. This should help in picking out the
> enhancement bugs.
> (2) Spam-Spider avoidance measures. When not logged in to the bugzilla
> system, all reporters and commenters show up just as names, there are NO
> email addresses. When logged in, one can see names and email addresses.
> This should help stump spam spiders which parse web pages looking for
> (3) I have cleaned up the 'useful links' and footer section. Your logged
> in name, and log out link is now found left justified under the bugzilla
> version. As opposed to all the way on the right and as 'regular' text. 
> (4) Comments now have [reply] links where clicking, will append the
> reply into the 'Additional Comments' textbox where one can easily
> comment on earlier replies.
> (5) Strikeouts now work for bugs with closed-like resolutions. Allows a
> user to more quickly tell the status of a resolved bug.
> Anything else I've forgotten, I will happily take full credit for. I
> would also like to thank the numerous bugzilla developers over in
> irc.mozilla.org in #mozwebtools. They were endlessly patient with my
> questions and I am endlessly greatful. 
> I want to thank all those who use our bugzilla system for making Gentoo
> Linux the great distribution it is.
> Regards,
> Jeffrey Forman

I noticed a bug [1] which, when resolved after the upgrade, did not list
the cause of resolution (in this case, it was a dup). Is this no longer
required? I rather liked that feature, as it enabled people to see, at a
quick glance, the final status of the bug...

[1]: https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=92861

- -smithj
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