On Mon, 2005-05-09 at 16:21 +0300, Alin Nastac wrote:
> Please explain what do you understand as "mobile computing". You keep
> using this term.
> >From what I see in herds.xml, mobile == "Wireless (802.11a/b/g,
> bluetooth, etc) related items"


> Mobile phones are far from PDAs. I don't see anything you can't do with
> a PDA (since it _is_ a computer).
> Compared to them, _normal_ mobile phones are very limited devices.

My last two mobile phones (Motorola A920 and Motorola E1000) are
symbian-based hand-helds, and they act like a PDA - but I still can't do
the same stuff with my PDA as I can with a PC.

I suggested app-pda because of the metadata.xml description:

        The app-pda category contains software for working with personal
        digital assistants or hand-held computers.

As I've said, I think most modern mobile phones can be considered being
a PDA/hand-held computer.

Henrik Brix Andersen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gentoo Linux

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