On Thu, Apr 07, 2005 at 02:24:44PM +0100, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Apr 2005 15:17:38 +0200 Stefan Sperling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> | So, there's a casual macosx user who does not yet dare to throw
> | away his os in favour of gentoo/ppc. Then he finds out that there
> | is a portage port for macosx, so why not give that a go?
> If he's not prepared to install Gentoo (OSX or Linux) properly, he
> should use Fink instead. Supporting half-arsed partial installs is far
> too much work -- the tree just wasn't designed for it.

I see, so the idea behind portage on macosx is not that it provides
an addon for installing additional packages, but to have a mixed
gentoo/macosx system. The problem I see here is that users basically
use a system provided by two independend vendors (apple and gentoo),
with about zero communication between the two...
But if that's the design, so be it. I'm not working on this anyway,
nor am I using it, so I personally don't care :)
stefan                                               PGP Key: 0xF59D25F0
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