On Mon, Nov 25, 2024 at 6:25 PM Bertil Chapuis <bchap...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Calvin,
> Are you referring to the following email? I struggled to find a reference
> to Netty in the dev mailing-list, but this one related to Hadoop seems to
> be the most closely related.
> https://lists.apache.org/thread/h8bbvwm5l9c5n9gzs4prhkrcmj9q5js1
> As mentioned, I’ve observed different practices among top-level Apache
> projects. For example, Hadoop and Spark include LICENSE, LICENSE-binary,
> NOTICE, and NOTICE-binary files, as well as license and
> license-binarydirectories. While we could introduce similar directories in
> Baremaps, I’m concerned that they might quickly become outdated, given that
> we lack the same level of resources as these large projects. Moreover, even
> in Hadoop’s case, these files and directories haven’t been updated for four
> to five years.
Yes, but that's something you have to do when releasing binary versions.
I'm not sure if providing a link to indicate the license source in the
LICENSE file would be acceptable. For example, with the MIT License: "The
above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software." I don't think providing
just a link would work, but perhaps you could check with the ASF legal

> On the other hand, other top-level projects that depend on Hadoop and
> Spark (e.g., Drill, Sedona, etc.) seem to follow a simpler approach similar
> to ours: a LICENSE file listing the dependencies and their licenses. Their
> NOTICE files also don’t appear to include additional information (though I
> could be overlooking something).

Not all practices of top-level projects are necessarily correct. I haven't
kept up with Sedona, but I raised this issue with Drill last year[2].


> I’d prefer to stick with the simple approach (which is already quite
> time-consuming :-) as it aligns with what many other projects are doing. If
> this approach isn’t sufficient, I’d really appreciate gathering broader
> input so we can define something actionable and maintainable for this
> release and future ones.
> Best regards,
> Bertil
> > On 25 Nov 2024, at 04:41, Calvin Kirs <k...@apache.org> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Bertil,
> >
> > In addition to what Justin mentioned, I brought up in the dev mailing
> list
> > that the binary release is missing the NOTICE section (at least we
> omitted
> > the NOTICE for Netty).
> > The LICENSE file is also missing and needs to be addressed in the next RC
> > version.
> >
> > On Sun, Nov 24, 2024 at 10:40 PM Bertil Chapuis <bchap...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> >> Hello Justin,
> >>
> >> I believe I now have enough information to release a new candidate. I’m
> >> closing this vote and will start a new one early next week.
> >>
> >> Here is a summary of the corrections I made:
> >> - Removed the unlicensed fuji.png file and fixed the related tests.
> >> - Added a missing license header to scripts/generate-flageobuf.sh.
> >> - Revised the notice file to ensure all paths are correct.
> >> - Configured Spotless to ignore third-party files and added original
> >> license headers.
> >> - Created a licenses directory and added copies of third-party licenses.
> >> - Replaced the URLs in the LICENSE file with pointers to these local
> files.
> >> - Included these new files in the assembly configuration.
> >>
> >> These changes are listed here (I will probably squash them into a single
> >> release commit):
> >> https://github.com/apache/incubator-baremaps/pull/905/files
> >>
> >> Thank you very much for helping with these changes. Please don't
> hesitate
> >> to provide additional feedback if needed.
> >>
> >> Best regards,
> >>
> >> Bertil
> >>
> >>> On 23 Nov 2024, at 22:50, Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com>
> >> wrote:
> >>>
> >>> HI,
> >>>
> >>>> According to the documentation [1], what’s currently missing in our
> >> LICENSE file are pointers (“For details, see deps/flatgeobuf”). I
> suggest
> >> to modify the third party section as follow, so we have pointers for
> >> everything.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Code and data produced outside the ASF that is included in the
> >>>> distribution of this product is subject to the following
> >>>> additional license terms:
> >>>>
> >>>>     - FlatGeobuf, BSD-2-Clause license, see
> >> https://github.com/flatgeobuf/flatgeobuf.
> >>>>     - GeoPackage Java, MIT License, see
> >> https://github.com/ngageoint/geopackage-java.
> >>>>     - OSMPBF, MIT License, see
> >> https://github.com/openstreetmap/OSM-binary/pull/35.
> >>>>     - OSM Test Data, Public domain, see
> >> https://github.com/osmcode/osm-testdata.
> >>>>     - Mapbox Vector Tile, Creative Commons Public License, see
> >> https://github.com/mapbox/vector-tile-spec.
> >>>>     - Palantir Streams, Apache License 2.0, see
> >> https://github.com/palantir/streams.
> >>>>     - Planetiler, Apache License 2.0, see
> >> https://github.com/onthegomap/planetiler.
> >>>>     - PMTiles, BSD-3-Clause license, see
> >> https://github.com/protomaps/PMTiles.
> >>>>     - pyosmium, BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License, see
> >> https://github.com/osmcode/pyosmium.
> >>>
> >>> While knowing where the files come from is useful (and it would be best
> >> to keep that info), the “pointers” mentioned need to be to local files
> >> containing the license text in full, not to a URL whose content may
> change.
> >> This is usually a condition of the license that you need to include its
> >> text when distributing it.
> >>>
> >>>> The reason for the notice file is that we never “bundled” a whole
> >> project into baremaps. Instead, we derived and adapted a couple of files
> >> from third party projects and included them in our sources. This is the
> >> reason why we found useful to tell more about it in the NOTICE file.
> >>>
> >>> Even if you bundle a single file or a single function from a 3rd party
> >> project, that license information would still go in LICENSE, not NOTICE.
> >>>
> >>>>> It can be placed in the LICENSE file, or you can have the LICENSE
> file
> >> provide a pointer to it in the artifact, e.g. some projects create a
> >> licenses directory and put all 3rd party licenses in that.
> >>>>
> >>>> So I guess the pointers listed above should be sufficient.
> >>>
> >>> Nope, you need to include the full license text somewhere.
> >>>
> >>> Kind Regards,
> >>> Justin
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> >>
> >>
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> >>
> >
> > --
> > Best wishes!
> > CalvinKirs
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Best wishes!

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