
>> - LICENSE is misisng info on [3][4]?
> I’m not sure to understand this point. I checked both file and they have a 
> license information in their header.

They need to be mentioned in LICENSE, as that is where licencing info goes.

>> - NOTICE contains information on MIT/BSD license code when it should not
> Does this mean I should remove all the notices related to MIT/BSD? For 
> instance, I thought the following notice would be helpful as it shows where 
> the relicensing discussion occurred. From my understanding a notice is some 
> sort of observation, notification, or warning.

License Information should go in LICENSE, not NOTICE; see [1] on handling 
MIT/BSD license code.

> Should the complete licences be placed in a specific file or directory?

It can be placed in the LICENSE file, or you can have the LICENSE file provide 
a pointer to it in the artifact, e.g. some projects create a licenses directory 
and put all 3rd party licenses in that.

Kind Regards,

1. https://infra.apache.org/licensing-howto.html#permissive-deps

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