
> I was under the impression that N&L files are needed for all published
> code, including public repos.
> So the N&L files in each repo are required.

I woudl put a LICENSE and NOTICE in each repo, but as per [1] "The LICENSE and 
NOTICE files must exactly represent the contents of the distribution they 
reside in.” they usually refer to a release artefact. ASF GitHub repos can, for 
instance, contain content incompatible with the Apache license.

> When creating the release bundle, combine the relevant parts from the
> source repos in a single pair of N&L files.

Yes, I would also expect this, but it needs to reflect what is in the release, 
which might differ from what is in git.

Kind Regard,

1. https://infra.apache.org/licensing-howto.html#guiding

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