Back in September Craig Russell made a proposal on this list to adopt a new 
vote format for podlings [1]:

> I'm proposing that for votes, that a standard form be used for
> registering and tallying votes. For registering votes, include
> the ASF id in the vote line, e.g.
> +1 clr (IPMC)
> For tallying votes (in the [RESULT][VOTE] thread):
> Vote passes:
>  +1 clr (IPMC)
>  +1 sammy (PPMC)
>  +1 jules
>  +1 jmclean (IPMC)
>  +1 cdutz (IPMC)
>  no -1 or +-0 votes

Over a dozen people liked the idea. A few people said we should not impose it 
on top-level projects. Some people suggested writing articles. But as far as I 
can tell no action was taken.

I propose that the Incubator PMC requires that format for podling release votes 
(i.e. for votes on this list and on podlings' dev list).

We cannot impose the practice on top-level projects, nor should we try. If and 
when those podlings graduate to top-level projects they can choose whether to 
continue the practice.
The IPMC has a greater problem than any other PMC because such a large number 
of people participate in votes. So, let's adopt this rule and get our own house 
in order.

What do you all think? If there is agreement I can start a vote thread.



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