If this is not the right place to ask this question please ignore it and
let me know where I should ask.

We are starting the OpenServerless project and checking licenses.

We have one component in our project, Minio, which is AGPL Licensed.

We know AGPL is not to be used in Apache Code but here we really do not
link nor change it, we just use it and access through their API as a
generic S3 storage.

We do not even use their library to access it, we use the AWS SDK for
generic S3.

My understanding of the AGPL is: we have to provide the code of it and any
modification EVEN if it is accessed through the network. This is fine, we
are complying with the license providing a downloadable tarball of the
exact version we are using.

Aside from that, can we use it in OpenServerless? It just deploys a minio
component, it does not modify it in any way.

Please advise...

Michele SciabarrĂ  - msciaba...@apache.org - linkedin.com/in/msciab
Apache OpenServerless Founder - reddit.com/r/openserverless
Apache OpenWhisk PMC member - Author Learning Apache OpenWhisk

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