Dear community,

This is a call for a releasing Apache MXNet (incubating) 1.8.0, release 
candidate 3.

Apache MXNet (incubating) community has voted and approved the release.

Vote thread:

Result thread:

The source tarball, including signatures, digests, etc. can be found at:

The tag to be voted upon is 1.8.0.rc3:

The release hash is 2fc0706874531fdfdbe49819eae0c88f8016eee3:

KEYS file available:

For information about the contents of this release, see:

Here are the changes comparing to 1.8.0.rc2:
* Updated LICENSE & rat checker
* Extensions bugfixes
* fix for R builds
* Upgrade to oneDNN v1.7 with required bugfixes
* Fix for testing with CUDA 11, remove cleanup on side threads
* Fix for building CUDA 11 with Windows
* Remove temporary fix for RNN in MKLDNN

The vote will be open for 72 hours.
[ ] +1 release this package as #########
[ ] +0 no opinion
[ ] -1 do not release this package because...

Best regards,
Sam Skalicky

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