Eason Chen <daerduoc...@qq.com> 于2020年8月14日周五 下午2:43写道:

> Our product has actually received a lot of attention from people. We have
> conducted communication with many people and collected their opinions. We
> plan to abstract eventmesh more independently, make product positioning
> clearer, and make it easier for everyone to participate. We will invest
> more time and energy to build the community.

I think you misunderstand Ming's and my points,
We are not saying you have to have a large community, for now, we are
asking you to make sure, your statement/proposal is matching your current

Do you mean, the project community is more active than I found?
If so, I would like to ask for more materials(including open discussion,
news, blogs, issue, pull requests) to prove your points, EN and CN are both
fine for me.

I hope the status could be clear before any formal vote.

Sheng Wu 吴晟
Twitter, wusheng1108

> ------------------&nbsp;原始邮件&nbsp;------------------
> 发件人:
>                                                   "general"
>                                                                     <
> wenm...@apache.org&gt;;
> 发送时间:&nbsp;2020年8月14日(星期五) 中午11:35
> 收件人:&nbsp;"general"<general@incubator.apache.org&gt;;
> 抄送:&nbsp;"legal-discuss"<legal-disc...@apache.org&gt;;
> 主题:&nbsp;Re: [DISCUSS] EventMesh Proposal
> &gt; Thanks for the honesty, I prefer you should adjust the proposal to
> match
> &gt; the reality. Such as
> &gt; 1. Just open-sourced
> &gt; 2. Have a risk of being an orphaned project
> &gt; 3. Community development would be a challenge
> As mentioned in wusheng’s previous email, the challenge should be stated in
> the proposal.
> Thanks,
> Ming Wen, Apache APISIX &amp; Apache SkyWalking
> Twitter: _WenMing
> Eason Chen <daerduoc...@qq.com&gt; 于2020年8月14日周五 上午10:52写道:
> &gt; Thanks for your help and answers @Duane, i will initiate the voting
> &gt; processs later if you have no other questions.
> &gt;
> &gt;
> &gt;
> &gt;
> &gt; ------------------&amp;nbsp;原始邮件&amp;nbsp;------------------
> &gt; 发件人:
> &gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
> "general"
> &gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
> <
> &gt; duane.pa...@gmail.com&amp;gt;;
> &gt; 发送时间:&amp;nbsp;2020年8月11日(星期二) 凌晨0:16
> &gt; 收件人:&amp;nbsp;"legal-discuss"<legal-disc...@apache.org&amp;gt;;
> &gt; 抄送:&amp;nbsp;"general"<general@incubator.apache.org&amp;gt;;
> &gt; 主题:&amp;nbsp;Re: [DISCUSS] EventMesh Proposal
> &gt;
> &gt;
> &gt;
> &gt; I work for Solace and have consulted internally to confirm that we do
> not
> &gt; have any copyright or trademark on the term “Event Mesh”. It’s true
> it is
> &gt; something our products are closely aligned with, but it is an
> industry term
> &gt; that has been adopted by Gartner and is gaining traction in the
> industry.
> &gt; Solace does not oppose the term being used in other applicable
> products or
> &gt; projects.
> &gt;
> &gt; +1 (non-binding) on the idea.
> &gt;
> &gt; Cheers,
> &gt; Duane
> &gt;
> &gt; On Thu, Aug 6, 2020 at 11:51 AM heng du <duhengfore...@apache.org
> &amp;gt;
> &gt; wrote:
> &gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt; Hi @Michael
> &gt; &amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt; Thanks for your advice. As far as I know, Solace doesn't
> have a
> &gt; product
> &gt; &amp;gt; called Eventmesh, They're just using that name to promote
> their PubSub
> &gt; &amp;gt; platform.
> &gt; &amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt; But in order not to cause trouble in the future, I also ask
> guys of
> &gt; Apache
> &gt; &amp;gt; Brand to help check whether this name is appropriate. For
> us, we've
> &gt; been
> &gt; &amp;gt; using the name EventMesh for a long time, and we want to
> keep it so
> &gt; that
> &gt; &amp;gt; users can get better product positioning from the name.
> &gt; &amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt; And base on this document[1], we searched in the U.S. Patent
> &gt; Office[2] and
> &gt; &amp;gt; found nothing inappropriate.
> &gt; &amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt; [1] https://incubator.apache.org/guides/names.html
> &gt; &amp;gt; [2] https://www.uspto.gov/trademark
> &gt; &amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt; Thanks
> &gt; &amp;gt; Henry
> &gt; &amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt; Michael André Pearce <michael.andre.pea...@me.com
> .invalid&amp;gt;
> &gt; 于2020年8月6日周四
> &gt; &amp;gt; 下午3:33写道:
> &gt; &amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; Hi
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; Im PMC member from ActiveMQ project.
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; I like the idea, nice. +1 on it as a project idea.
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; I am though a little -1 on the name of the project,
> I would
> &gt; recommend
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; that an alternative name for the project is found as
> there maybe
> &gt; a conflict
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; in rights ability to copyright and trademark to it.
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; I’m aware there is a commercial vendor messaging
> company called
> &gt; Solace,
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; where they use and market their product with heavy
> use of the
> &gt; name Event
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; Mesh, you can see this just googling event mesh,
> brings back many
> &gt; hits to
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; their products, marketing material and other
> records, so they may
> &gt; hold a
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; heavy claim to this name.
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; Best
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; Michael
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt; On 4 Aug 2020, at 18:33, Kevin Ratnasekera <
> &gt; djkevincr1...@gmail.com&amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; wrote:
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt; Hi Easen,
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt; +1, Having worked in a similar domain so
> far, I have to say
> &gt; this is an
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt; interesting project. If you are seeking new
> mentors, please
> &gt; consider
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; adding
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt; me as a mentor to the project.
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt; Regards
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt; Kevin
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt; On Tue, Aug 4, 2020 at 3:34 PM Eason Chen <
> &gt; daerduoc...@qq.com&amp;gt; wrote:
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; Good time of the time to all!
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; I'd like to bring this new
> interesting project for the
> &gt; discussion,
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; comments and feedback with the aim
> of starting a formal
> &gt; [VOTE] of its
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; acceptance into Incubator.
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; People behind this project aren't
> new to Apache: some of
> &gt; them were
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; behind
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; the Apache RocketMQ, which I
> consider a huge
> &gt; success(especially in
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; China)as
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; the community is literally thriving
> almost 3 years after
> &gt; the
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; graduation.
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; I have been involved a little bit
> with this project when
> &gt; it just
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; started
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; in WeBank a few years ago. And I'd
> like to emphasize
> &gt; that the community
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; however small it might look so far,
> has been aligned
> &gt; with Apache ways
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; of
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; doing things. Heng Du (from
> RocketMQ PMC) is very
> &gt; instrumental in
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; tirelessly helping this group to
> learn what it means to
> &gt; be a truly open
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; source project.
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; The code is already under ALv2 and
> is publicly
> &gt; available. As you will
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; see
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; it has a lot of dependency
> connections with the rest of
> &gt; Apache
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; ecosystem
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; and IMO will fit very well here and
> continue to grow the
> &gt; community.
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; The project's proposal is available
> at [1].
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; Thank you very much for the
> feedback you're willing to
> &gt; provide!
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;amp;nbsp;With best regards,
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;amp;nbsp;Eason Chen
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; [1]
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt;
> &gt;
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/INCUBATOR/EventMeshProposal
> &gt
> <https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/INCUBATOR/EventMeshProposal&gt>;
> &amp;gt;&amp;gt
> &gt; <
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/INCUBATOR/EventMeshProposal&amp;gt;&amp;gt&gt
> ;
> &gt; ;
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt;
> &gt; ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt; For additional commands, e-mail:
> &gt; general-h...@incubator.apache.org
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt;
> &gt; &amp;gt;&amp;gt;

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